Safe Sex Quiz - Play Safe
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1. Consent can be withdrawn at any time — even during sex

This is 100% true, always. Consent should always follow FRIES: Freely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, Specific.

Correct Incorrect
2. If you’re in a relationship you should always say yes to sex

False. It doesn’t matter if it’s the first time you’re having sex with someone or the 100th, you NEVER have to do something you don’t want to.

Correct Incorrect
3. Unless they say no, you have someone’s consent

False. Consent should never be assumed. It requires active & ongoing communication between both sexual partners.

Correct Incorrect


4. Condoms are the only type of contraception that prevents STIs and pregnancy

This is true. If you’re using another form of birth control to prevent pregnancies, you’ll still need to use condoms to protect from STIs.

Correct Incorrect
5. Condoms don’t have an expiry date

Absolutely false. Unfortunately, condoms don’t last forever. An expired condom is more likely to break during sex, so make sure you always check the expiration date before using.

Correct Incorrect
6. You should use a condom during oral sex

It’s possible to get an STI via oral sex too, so using a condom — or a dental dam for mouth to vagina or mouth to anus sex — is the best way to stay safe.

Correct Incorrect


7. STIs often have no symptoms

True. sexually transmitted infections often have no symptoms at all. It’s another reason getting tested is so important.

Correct Incorrect
8. It’s important to let sexual partners know if you get diagnosed with an STI

True. Letting any current or previous sexual partner from the past 6 months know means they can get tested and treated if needed. It also means they won’t pass it back to you if you have sex again.

Correct Incorrect
9. Syphilis cases across Australia are on the rise

True. Over the past five years we’ve seen a big increase in cases of syphilis across NSW (up to 83% more cases in some areas!)

Correct Incorrect

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    Enter your details below for a chance to win 365 condoms.

      By entering this competition I confirm that I am at least 16 years old.

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