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    So its R U Ok? day today and I thought it would be a great opportunity to check in and find out how we’re all doing and ask the question ‘R U OK?’

    And that if your or a mate isn’t feeling ok or you want more info check out the R U OK website https://www.ruok.org.au/ask-a-mate


    I know we past this by a few days but bringing this post back to make sure everyone is doing okay! Remember, your feelings are valid and you matter.  <3


    R U OK? @tea 🙂


    @mak_trouble891 I’m managing thank you for asking :heart: R U OK?


    Thanks for checking in @mak_trouble891 @tea – doing well with self care and good company.


    today I heard of someone who took her own life. I didn’t know her personally but her passing has effected a lot of people I do know who loved her dearly and will miss her… 

    So in light of this I think we need to check in regularly with people not just on one day….constantly make sure our loved ones know they have support to fight any darkness that might be creeping in…. I will be honest I used to think RUOK day was a great idea but I feel it has made it easier for people to ask an empty question on a set day every year and not really check in with people


    I hope you’re doing okay @CookieMonster :heart: 

    I 100% agree with checking in on people more than the one day out of the year, I guess RUOK day is a good start for people who don’t know a lot about mental health issues, but asking people if they’re doing okay regularly is definitely better.

    There are a wide range of mental health services available should you not have any support network available to you 24/7. A good place to start is BeyondBlue who have an online chat as well as phone services if you need someone to talk to.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:


    Hi @CookieMonster, I’m so sorry to hear and hope that your loved ones are getting the support that they need in this difficult time. Even if you didn’t know them personally it is important to look after yourself, especially if you find you are supporting those who are grieving.


    Thanks @tea & @Kit I am find. It was more of an eye opener for me about checking in on people and how empty sharing a post on R U OK day or sharing a mental health post is… people think because they have shared a post that they are helping but unfortunately I don’t think this is helping at all…I think it is actually making people slacker in checking in. IF you really care for someone get off your arse and go see them,, take action don’t just send a text, hey are you ok… I can count many times people have messaged me when I am going through a bad time and I just written back yeah I’m ok thanks… its so empty…. yo can hide behind social media and text and instant messenger. you can’t hide when you are looking someone in the face your body language, tone of voice, eye etc something will tell people who truely care that you’re not ok and you need support. 

    I dunno I guess I am just feeling really jaded about social media atm 


    @CookieMonster I totally understand and can empathise with your feelings. I think sometimes we can get overwhelmed by the immense scale of the world’s problems and see that so many people around us are hurting- it is sometimes hard to know what questions to ask, or who to turn to. I think people use social media as a blanket R U OK, a way to get their hurt and frustration across when they don’t really know who to target or who to ask. 
    I agree that quality time, eye contact and physical touch are so important. Unfortunately not every human has the capacity to recognise this, or take steps towards this. For those who do, it is simply impossible to reach every person hurting. I suppose the best we can do is take care of those around us, as often as we can, and hope the same is done in return.

    Might I suggest also trying to be really honest when someone asks you how you are? You may be pleasantly surprised by their reaction when you give them vulnerability and a chance to to care for you. Just a thought 🙂 


    I totally agree with you @EarthMama, while it can be hard sometimes to be honest about how we are really feeling to both ourselves and someone else, sometimes that honesty and vulnerability is key to stepping forward and getting better 🙂

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