After years of hard work, it’s finally time to let loose and celebrate. But as fun as schoolies can be, it’s important that you stay safe, including when it comes to sex. Use condoms The easiest way to practice safe sex? Use condoms. Condoms act as a physical barrier, preventing […]
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After years of hard work, it’s finally time to let loose and celebrate. But as fun as schoolies can be, it’s important that you stay safe, including when it comes to sex. Use condoms The easiest way to practice safe sex? Use condoms. Condoms act as a physical barrier, preventing […]
What is STI testing? STI testing is the process of running medical tests to check for any sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is quick, easy, and confidential. Most STI tests only require a blood test and either a self-collected swab or a urine sample. Why is STI testing important? […]
It’s Valentine’s Day National Condom Day! It’s no coincidence that Valentine’s Day and National Condom Day fall on the same day… but in terms of which one we’re celebrating, well, that’s a no brainer. Here at Play Safe, we’ll take any excuse to celebrate condoms, but today, on National Condom […]
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Home › Forums › Sex & Relationships › How will COVID affect dating ?!
I can’t stop thinking about all the ways COVID is going to affect dating, ESPECIALLY online dating
– people moving back in to family homes
– anxiety/stress affecting sex drive
– social distancing
– venues being closed (how can you meet someone in public anymore?)
– loss of income affecting confidence
What do you think? Long are the days when our only worries were STIs…what could this mean for dating?
Hey @earthMama
Holy heck. What a time to be trying to date online.
I saw a post from one of my favourite artists that said ‘if they try to hook up during social distancing it’s a giant red flag‘ . What do you think about this – do you agree?
I’ve heard of people arranging video chat first dates!
If you were already dating someone there is no reason why you can’t visit your SO (for caring reasons according to the public health officials) but yes if they or you have moved back home that’s going to maybe make it awkward!
Such an interesting conversation, I am so keen to hear from people actively dating rn. I live with my partner now.. We were talking about if we had met during the COVID era that we would have had FaceTime dates and we texted ALOT before we met up so maybe it will help people actually get to really suss each other out before their first IRL meeting.
Also phone sex, mutual masturbation etc. Anything is possible and I think we just have to adapt to our new normal.
I imagine it would slow dating down a bit. Buuuuut I’m kind of interested to see what happens as a general trend.
It’s interesting that now, if people still want to date, they’ll have to rely on verbal communication a lot more, rather than body language or physical chemistry.
I was thinking about this too!
Especially as with social distancing casual hookups and face to face dates can’t really be a thing right now.
I agree with that post you mentioned @stephaniaaaah that if they try hookup during social distancing its a giant red flag.
I guess I would expect a lot of people to be connecting more through messaging and video calls rather then face to face. I feel like this could be challenging for dating as I remember when I was dating on tinder I preferred to meet up after a week or two of chatting as it would give me a better understanding if we had a connection rather then just over messaging.
I’d be interested to hear more from people in this situation!!
Agreed on the giant red flag @stephaniaaaah !
I am also interested to find out what this time brings out in dating and agree it could give new importance to verbal communication and connection, however like @curiousss said, I would always prefer to meet up within a week or so of talking. I am struggling to understand how one could stay interested with so much time and space between connecting and meeting. It also worries me because I have had dating experiences where the connection was amazing through messaging and non-existent in person.
Does everyone find the connection better to talk/facetime rather than text?
Soo I follow Bye Filepe on Instagram and apparently heaps of people on Tinder just don’t care about social distancing and are still trying to hook up. Has anyone experienced this or heard this?
When I was on Tinder and Bumble I definitely had so many amazing text conversations or phone conversations where i’d be laughing and think i had this incredible connection with someone then i would meet irl and be SO disappointed because it would be such a non-event. Yeah, giving it more thought I couldn’t go on for months like this if I was still single. Was so optimistic at the start of isolation haha
I was listening to Triple J (Australian radio station) last night as they had a sexual health expert on talking about casual sex during this time. He basically said it’s definitely not a good idea right now even with some of the restrictions easing.
I haven’t used any dating apps like Tinder or Bumble for over a year now as I kind of got over them and felt like their popularity/usage was dying. But with everyone being unable to go out and meet new people to talk to I wonder if their usage would be going back up again? Kind of curious myself but also share some of these concerns about how long I could go with only just talking to someone through text and video calls.
@GoldenRose unfortunately we know that people are going to continue breaking social distancing and having casual sex, I wonder if there’s anything we can do to promote safe sex during this time here on the forum for anyone who visits and is considering their options?
I’m still on hinge and I have started talking to someone who I wouldn’t mind getting to know after it’s safe to do so. At the same time I’m making sure to not get attached in case it does fizzle out. Time will tell. 🙂
Would love to hear how others are navigating this time dating wise.
It will be so interesting to see what happens on the apps post covid. I deleted them well before we went into lockdown as I had just had quite enough and I’m glad I did. Like @stephaniaaaah I cannot stand the excitement of connecting with someone online and then it being a total letdown in person, and I felt as if the prolonged anticipation would only enhance the disappointment. Can you tell I’m a little down on dating apps? I am kind of hoping they are replaced with something new and we will all be so excited to exist in the world again that we will start meeting in the wild, not over the phone.
@EarthMama I so agree! I hope people will start having conversations with strangers at coffee shops and in the supermarket, I think it’d be so cute to meet someone that way! However, I don’t think dating apps will be going anywhere anytime soon.
@EarthMama I so agree! I hope people will start having conversations with strangers at coffee shops and in the supermarket, I think it’d be so cute to meet someone that way! However, I don’t think dating apps will be going anywhere anytime soon.
@champagnepapi am I being hopelessly romantic? I must admit I agree with you…even though my wildest dreams look a little different, until with have a viable replacement, I do think they are here to stay.
I was actively using tinder as covid-19 hit, when the restrictions first came into effect I stayed off it for a while, then eased back into it again.
But instead of meeting up irl, we have just been texting alot and finally had one video chat after a few weeks which ended up turning into mutual masturbation!
Its kinda nice meeting someone this way, as for me it takes some of the anxiety away from not knowing what someone likes sexually, people arent always upfront in a new relationship and then you find out later on that they were too polite to say that they didnt actually like what you were doing to them! Lol