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Home Forums Sexual Health “Frank” – Sexual Health Website

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by teatea.
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  • #106505

    Do any of you know of https://www.frank.org.au/ ? I just discovered it today, its a website with info about sexual health run by Family Planning, Acon and Centre for Social Research in Health funded by the government. They make heaps of great sexual health related videos which are very discussion inducing!


    This is fantastic and so sex-positive! Especially love the article and video on dental dams! Thanks for sharing @HoneyPot!


    I’ve heard about it through the queer community at my uni, they’ve done a few videos with people there. They do have a wonderful surplus of resources but I’ve heard from the same people who appeared in the videos that the interviewers were a little problematic in terms of sensitivity towards the people they were interviewing. So idk, I’m a little conflicted on Frank tbh, it’s kind of like loving a make up brand only to find out they test on animals, so you don’t really want to use them anymore.

    Though, this isn’t to say that Frank isn’t a wonderful resource. Only that some people who have done work for them have caused some issues for the program. I think they’ve gotten new interviewers since the last video was recorded though, so everything may have sorted itself out.

    Overall I love the design of the website, and the content is great. Super informative and easy to follow.


    Thanks for bringing that up @tea ! I always want to be more informed! That is disappointing to hear they had not done interviews in a sensitive and respectful way, I’m sure they aren’t the first either 🙁


    This was heavily promoted at the HIV & AIDS and Sexual Health conference I went to. Such a good resource. I even got a photo with the giant blow up elephant called Frank  :p


    That sounds like so much fun @DeftRat! What kind of things did they discuss, specifically Frank?

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