7 ways to Play Safe at schoolies - Play Safe
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1. Packing tips

Condoms! Condoms! Condoms! The only thing you want to bring home from schoolies is awesome memories, so make sure you pack some condoms and carry them with you (you never know!). 

2. Before you go

STIs often don’t have any symptoms. So you could have one and not know. Getting tested is the only way to find out, so if you’re sexually active, make sure you get an STI test before you go. 

3. Practice makes perfect

Did you have to put a condom on a banana in Year 10 PDHPE? Well, it’s time to brush up on your skills. Practice using a condom before you go to make sure you know what to do. 

4. It’s OK to say no!

If and when you have sex is totally up to you. If you say yes to one thing, it doesn’t mean yes to more. If you say yes, then change your mind, that’s also 100% okay. Consent is so important, so make sure you know your rights

5. In the moment

When things begin to heat up, the last thing anyone wants to do is pause and put on a condom. But those few seconds are definitely worth it in the long run! And way less awkward than chats about STIs or unplanned pregnancy. 

6. Had unprotected sex?

If you do end up having unprotected sex that can result in pregnancy (penis in vagina sex) while you’re away, you can still prevent pregnancy. The Emergency Contraceptive Pill can be taken up to 72 hours after sex and is available at any pharmacy in Australia without a prescription.

6. Get tested when you come home

If you had sex while you were away, it’s a good idea to get tested and bring on the new year knowing your STI status.

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