Condoms Breaking - Play Safe Forum Topics
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Home Forums Sexual Health Condoms Breaking

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  • #123739

    Hi all, I’m just wondering if anyone knows why a condom might break during (heterosexual) sex. Providing that it isn’t past its expiry date and there is sufficient lubrication, is it safe to say that if a condom breaks it’s because it hasn’t been applied correctly? I’ve heard that condoms are 97% effective however I seem to be finding that every once in a while they break and I have no idea why that might be! I really just want to be safe and am thinking I might have to talk to the person I’m sleeping with about correct application? What is everyone’s thoughts?


    great question @purple

    I’ve had this experience when the sex has been really heavy as in super fast and lots of motion and I know the condom was on the right way. Maybe this could have happened?

    No matter how many times you pop one on should always check it’s up the right way and also that the condom is the right size for the penis, if the condom is a little too loose than maybe this is contributing. Definitely talk to them about application and also the plan if the condom breaks.


    Sometimes it happens because of the quality and size of the condom. Make sure you are buying the right size and a quality product.


    second that @ericjohnpw quality is important!


    Hey @purple! Here is a great thread about different condom recommendations Condom recommendations?

    Maybe try a few of the recommended brands out and see how you go! What type and brand of condom that works for someone may not work you.

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