What is STI testing? STI testing is the process of running medical tests to check for any sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is quick, easy, and confidential. Most STI tests only require a blood test and either a self-collected swab or a urine sample. Why is STI testing important? […]
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Home › Forums › Sexual Health › breasts- not sure whats going on…
hi ladies
has anyone has this experience? im not on my period either. it hurts, the whole lot insluding the nipple and theres like a bruising colouringlump but its got discharge coming out of it. it dos itch but at the same time its burning and its painful
has anyone has a similar experience
i went to gp today who said i was fine but im not fine and i havent had this happen before
im getting a second opinion tomorrow but was wondering if anyone else had an experience
Hey @unknown, great you’re getting a second opinion for peace of mine.
I can’t say I’ve had that happen – I do get very sore breasts after certain things such as unsupported exercise and during my period. Lumps, bruises and discharge on the breast can happen for lots of reasons – from something common like a knock to the breast causing a bruise, or a pimple, to more serious things.
If the first GP has said you’re okay, then that’s a good sign – but it’s fine to get a second opinion. Did the first doctor mention what they thought it was?
Its nothing like that @Aunt_Flo
Its kinda only just started and im abit worried about the lump as its a bruise type colour.
Could be a leaking vein- studied medical terms and diseases – so know a little bit
Im not going back to the other gp anyway we took my sister there and she got the all clear and when we went to another one they were suspecting whooping cough!!!
And no she didnt meantion anything. She just said it could be a range of things but im.sure its fine
she gave me my swabs back for downstairs and it istnt thrush but some sort of other infection so she gave me antibiotics for it and she checked the lump thing and she said it has burst which is why the symptoms as well. she said its likeley it will happened again but next time it happens as soon as it look the way it did before as in its coming to a point like its going to pop- cover it and try not to pop it and book an urgent appointment and she will do a draining procedure to fully clear it out but as it has already popped she doesnt want to try and drain it as yet as the antibiotics i have might do the trick and destroy both germs in one go. she said becasue im under so much stress my immune system is low so i am abit more susceptable to germs and them getting worse atm.
Ouch @unknown! Good thing you went and got it checked out!
Glad to hear the second opinion was worthwhile @unknown
Do you have anything relaxing to help take your mind off things when you’re feeling stressed?
Sorry i havent been around for a while ive had a fair few dramas and unfortunately its far from over 🙁
The cyst has gotten worse now and its gone into two lumps in one now so bwck to the gp it is
Hi @unknown sorry to hear about all your troubles at the gp, sounds frustrating!
My mum also had a cyst on her breast, from what she told me it sounded really similar!
She had antibiotics too and it went away but came back and had to get another course of the medication. She said eventually it just went away on its own and she just makes sure to wash the area really well, especially after exercise and stuff like that to make sure it doesn’t come back. I thought it might help to know that you’re not the only one whos had it 🙂
Hope it goes well at the doctors!
Also I’m sure @Nurse_Nettie might be able to give some more info?
Hi @RoseHill
This is my second coursr of meds already and it hasnt improved it still actually getting worse
I guess ill find out tomorrow whats going to happen
Hi @RoseHill and @unknown, a cyst is a fluid filled lump in the breast. It’s usually treated with antibiotics or by a doctor draining the fluid. It’s important not to squeeze these lumps as it makes the infection spread. It’s good that your seeing your doctor today @unknown so she can monitor your progress.
my gp didnt recheck the lump today- not sure why
still super sore and feels like 2 there now
@unknown sorry to hear it’s still so sore. It’s important to talk to your GP if it’s not improving or it’s getting worse.