After years of hard work, it’s finally time to let loose and celebrate. But as fun as schoolies can be, it’s important that you stay safe, including when it comes to sex. Use condoms The easiest way to practice safe sex? Use condoms. Condoms act as a physical barrier, preventing […]
What is STI testing? STI testing is the process of running medical tests to check for any sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is quick, easy, and confidential. Most STI tests only require a blood test and either a self-collected swab or a urine sample. Why is STI testing important? […]
It’s Valentine’s Day National Condom Day! It’s no coincidence that Valentine’s Day and National Condom Day fall on the same day… but in terms of which one we’re celebrating, well, that’s a no brainer. Here at Play Safe, we’ll take any excuse to celebrate condoms, but today, on National Condom […]
After years of hard work, it’s finally time to let loose and celebrate. But as fun as schoolies can be, it’s important that you stay safe, including when it comes to sex. Use condoms The easiest way to practice safe sex? Use condoms. Condoms act as a physical barrier, preventing […]
What is STI testing? STI testing is the process of running medical tests to check for any sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is quick, easy, and confidential. Most STI tests only require a blood test and either a self-collected swab or a urine sample. Why is STI testing important? […]
It’s Valentine’s Day National Condom Day! It’s no coincidence that Valentine’s Day and National Condom Day fall on the same day… but in terms of which one we’re celebrating, well, that’s a no brainer. Here at Play Safe, we’ll take any excuse to celebrate condoms, but today, on National Condom […]
World AIDS Day Ever wondered why you see red ribbons everywhere in early December? Well, it’s because of World AIDS Day. World AIDS Day takes place on the 1st of December each year and is all about showing support for people living with HIV, raising awareness about HIV prevention, testing […]
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How does everyone feel about the whole landscaping/manscaping situation down there? Any preferences?
I was going to say shaving gets rid of pubic lice, but apparently it doesn’t!
@walk_on_walls hahha
Yeah I’ve heard they’re almost becoming endangered! What’s the score @Nurse_Nettie?
I was asked a question the other week about landscaping/manscaping and if boys/men preferred girls who waxed completely. Thoughts on this? Do you guys prefer a ‘clean’ women or man?
@map_891 I prefer to be au natural and I like my partners to be clean and fresh, but I don’t mind how they like to landscape/manscape – it’s a very personal decision! 🙂
The itchiness of hair regrowth is incentive enough for me to stay natural!
I did not know that public lice were endangered! Has someone informed the relevant animal rights groups!?
@CloakOfAsh i wonder how the extinction of pubic lice would affect the food chain! 😀
BAHAHAHAHA just stumbled across this convo… poor little pubic lice
I’m still a vote on get rid of it all @Big_Mama have you settled on something that you prefer ?
I’ve usually been a fan of trimming back quite heavily but am now leaning towards leaving more hair thee than before. But I still tend to shave my testicles. Interesting about the lice. Maybe I should go back to shaving most of it off to prevent the little things from latching on lol
I’m a dancer so I’m constantly in leotards and was always paranoid about little post-saving bumps etc along the bikini line so I’ve turned to laser and it’s amazing. I booked 7 sessions when it was 40% so it was extremely affordable!
@HappyHooHah I’m always always getting the post-shaving bumps around my bikini line and I have no idea how to stop them! I’ve never considered lasering – how much did you pay? Was it painful?
@peachy it’s pretty hard to avoid the post shaving bumps because the skin easily irritated (by the razor, sweat etc)
For me I’ve found the best way to avoid bumps is too trim the hairs first with scissors so they aren’t too long, use a new razor so it is nice and sharp, lather up with some gentle soap and only shave the area one time (going over it over and over again inflames), avoid moisturiser and exfoliation afterwards and wear something light and breezy afterwards. Everyone’s different. I’m too scared to get laser, even though I am covered in tattoos haha @HappyHooHah how much ouch??