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Home › Forums › Sex & Relationships › Period Sex – Yay or Nay?
What does everyone think about sex while you/your partner have their period? Some people seem really squicked out by it.
I get so bloated and cranky, sex is usually the last thing on my mind.
I’m on the not side – and not just because I also get the bloated and cranky. I have a thing against messy and sticky – so sex mess kinda creeps me out. Am I weird?
I’m on the yes side. It’s happened a few times by accident (my period came on suddenly during) and other times where we don’t care. I mostly have period sex in the shower though because it can just get eveeeeeeerywhere! You’re right about the messiness @MsBlueStreak.
I’m on the yes side with exceptions lol I really don’t like the mess that can come with it so definitely in the shower @Aunt_Flo and usually not in the first two days, I am usually way too sore and cranky lol
Using the implanon my period comes and goes as it pleases and sometimes hangs around for WAY longer than it is welcome, so sometimes sex on my period happens. My partner and I get a towel and cover the bed to protect the sheets since it can get messy
If people are worried, put a black towel on the bed, turn the lights down low and go go go! That has always worked to ease the tension for some people I have dated. Meh, blood is blood. Oral sex is where you pee from so really it’s all just as gross or not gross as you decide it is 🙂
I should perhaps have mentioned that I’m not a fan of blood (especially my own – owing to an injury when I was a teenager where blood made spurting actions).
And I’ve never been a fan of sex in the shower – probably because ours is tiny and cramped with one person, and water is not a great lubricant.
@MsBlueStreak yeah not the biggest fan of shower sex either, but it’s nice once in a while. In our cramped shower in Winter it’s absolutely freezing!
So I don’t blame you there!
A big no from me, but maybe that’s just because I feel too gross in general during that time….. I also don’t want any room to resemble a set from Dexter :joy:
Hmm in my relationship we do it, obviously there is some times my partner doesn’t feel so good or just doesn’t want to and that’s fine i will never question that but the times that we’be done it we haven’t had an issue, but i would probably steer clear of oral tbh….
I remember all the official “names” for period sex from early high school. I think “earning your Red Wings” was for p in v sex, and “rainbow kiss” was for oral.
@ElleBelle I forgot all these great names haha.
I know people who love oral while menstruating – both giving and receiving. Each to their own eh.
Wow @ElleBelle I haven’t heard of those names, I have heard of “wearing the Dolmio grin” though – which was for oral.
I’ve heard of ‘dragon breath’ or something along those lines too.
@NickiPower that is the least sexy phrase I’ve heard hahaha.
Hahaha I forgot about the Dolmio Grin. Who comes up with this stuff?