What is STI testing? STI testing is the process of running medical tests to check for any sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is quick, easy, and confidential. Most STI tests only require a blood test and either a self-collected swab or a urine sample. Why is STI testing important? […]
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World AIDS Day Ever wondered why you see red ribbons everywhere in early December? Well, it’s because of World AIDS Day. World AIDS Day takes place on the 1st of December each year and is all about showing support for people living with HIV, raising awareness about HIV prevention, testing […]
What is STI testing? STI testing is the process of running medical tests to check for any sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is quick, easy, and confidential. Most STI tests only require a blood test and either a self-collected swab or a urine sample. Why is STI testing important? […]
It’s Valentine’s Day National Condom Day! It’s no coincidence that Valentine’s Day and National Condom Day fall on the same day… but in terms of which one we’re celebrating, well, that’s a no brainer. Here at Play Safe, we’ll take any excuse to celebrate condoms, but today, on National Condom […]
World AIDS Day Ever wondered why you see red ribbons everywhere in early December? Well, it’s because of World AIDS Day. World AIDS Day takes place on the 1st of December each year and is all about showing support for people living with HIV, raising awareness about HIV prevention, testing […]
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Home › Forums › Sexual Health › STIs Quiz
Tagged: sti-prevention, STIs
Hey all,
Last week the ABC posted a STIs Quiz on their website. Takes 5min and a few tricky ones in there!
@Nurse_Nettie I’m banking on you getting 10/10 first go 🙂
Haha, yep 100% first go!! B) B) B)
but you’re right, there were some tricky ones! did any of the answers surprise you @walk_on_walls?
Who Knew ebola can be an STI !!!
7/10 – HPV vaccine only protects across 4 types?? Gonorrhoea may become antibiotic resistant?? :open_mouth:
but at least you can’t catch STI’s off toilet seats!!
7/10, dang!
just got 5/10 only. Need to read more about this topic after i’m free from uni exams.
Bummer, 7/10! That was harder than I thought…
@Nurse_Nettie 8/10, I was surprised with the Ebola answer and took a wild guess at the HPV one O.o
Good effort @walk_on_walls! Whilst sexually transmitted Ebola is extremely rare, the HPV infection is very common. Did you know that there are over 120 different types of HPV? The good news is that only some of these types may cause symptoms in the genital area. The vaccine protects from 4 of the most common types- 2 that may progress to cervical cancer & 2 that may cause genital warts. The vaccine called Gardasil is available free to girls & boys aged 9 to 18 years. Hopefully in the future we wont have these health problems 🙂
9/10! I’m glad, otherwise I would have had to go back to my textbooks and re-educate myself before my next exam!
9/10 Woo! I got stumped by the Ebola question too @pollypower!
@walk_on_walls i got a 9/10. lost a point on a silly bloody mistake!
@walk_on_walls I got a 9. The Ebola question got me!