Telling your partner your sexual needs - Play Safe Forum Topics
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Home Forums Sex & Relationships Telling your partner your sexual needs

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    I recently had the most refreshing experience with a guy. We had sex which was great but I didn’t climax. Afterwards, he asked me what I like and what would ‘satisfy’ me, then made sure the next time all my sexual needs were met. Do you feel confident to ask for what turns you on during sex? At the end of the day, it’s all about mutual satisfaction and it felt like he totally got that.


    Hey @yogigirl, awesome you had this great experience! I would definitely say I feel confident in my communicating my needs during sex, and would even go so far as to say this is an essential part of good sex. Communication is key 🙂


    I agree! Communication is everything. I always make sure I communicate before, DURING and after sex what I would like and what turns me on.


    That’s great @yogigirl!

    I’d like to think I’m confident in asking…in theory. In reality, I don’t really think I do vocalise what I’d like out of fear of causing offence or killing the mood. It’s something I need to work on!


    @aunt_flo I definitely recommend finding your voice when it comes to expressing your sexual needs. At the end of the day, it’s for everyone involved to get maximum enjoyment. I think you’ve just got to make it seem like a positive that you feel comfortable enough to do so rather than worrying about it being a mood killer 🙂



    I feel like communication is not only important because it makes it easier for you to get pleasure, but also, many people are very turned on by their partner being turned on and experiencing pleasure. Then you’ll be having better sex and feeling better. So it’s a win win situation!


    Hey @potplant totally! It seems to be a massive turn on for the guys i’ve been with. They love being told how to give me maximum pleasure. Win win for sure!

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