Level 1 58 Orchardtown Road NEW LAMBTON NSW 2305 Australia
- Email info@blackbuttdoctors.com.au
- Website Blackbutt Doctors Surgery
- Other Unit 1 58 Orchardtown Road NEW LAMBTON NSW 2305
- Fax 0249529708
- Phone 0249509733
Opening times
- Mon 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
- Tue 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
- Thu 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
- Fri 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
- Wed 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM
- Sat 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
About Blackbutt Doctors Surgery
Accessible Parking
Accessible Toilet
Baby Change Facility
Free Parking
Wheelchair Access
Call to check whether you need an appointment.
Fees Apply
Fees apply for this service.
Additional information
After-Hours Arrangements:
Please call Newcastle After Hours Medical Service on 02 4957 7778 and After Hours Mobile Medic on 02 4943 6666.
Weekdays: After Business Hours
Weekends: 12:30PM Sat to 8:30AM Mon
Public Holidays: 24 hours.
Bianca Farrugia Parsons
Belinda Guest
Suzanne Long
Sarah McLain
Seshu Mandapati
Melanie Yeh
Rochelle Grainger
Wendy Bridges
Amir Taghaddos
Joanne Noble
Sumana Chadalavada
James Sagi
Peter Bilton
Ruth Larkin
Helena Hooi
Michelle Redford
Christopher Brokenshire
Disclaimer: The information provided here is sourced from healthdirect. While we strive to ensure accuracy, we cannot guarantee that all information is current or correct. If you find any inaccuracies, please contact the healthdirect team directly to request updates or verify the information.
Book an
For information about this service, or to book an appointment, please call.