After years of hard work, it’s finally time to let loose and celebrate. But as fun as schoolies can be, it’s important that you stay safe, including when it comes to sex. Use condoms The easiest way to practice safe sex? Use condoms. Condoms act as a physical barrier, preventing […]
What is STI testing? STI testing is the process of running medical tests to check for any sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is quick, easy, and confidential. Most STI tests only require a blood test and either a self-collected swab or a urine sample. Why is STI testing important? […]
It’s Valentine’s Day National Condom Day! It’s no coincidence that Valentine’s Day and National Condom Day fall on the same day… but in terms of which one we’re celebrating, well, that’s a no brainer. Here at Play Safe, we’ll take any excuse to celebrate condoms, but today, on National Condom […]
After years of hard work, it’s finally time to let loose and celebrate. But as fun as schoolies can be, it’s important that you stay safe, including when it comes to sex. Use condoms The easiest way to practice safe sex? Use condoms. Condoms act as a physical barrier, preventing […]
What is STI testing? STI testing is the process of running medical tests to check for any sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is quick, easy, and confidential. Most STI tests only require a blood test and either a self-collected swab or a urine sample. Why is STI testing important? […]
It’s Valentine’s Day National Condom Day! It’s no coincidence that Valentine’s Day and National Condom Day fall on the same day… but in terms of which one we’re celebrating, well, that’s a no brainer. Here at Play Safe, we’ll take any excuse to celebrate condoms, but today, on National Condom […]
World AIDS Day Ever wondered why you see red ribbons everywhere in early December? Well, it’s because of World AIDS Day. World AIDS Day takes place on the 1st of December each year and is all about showing support for people living with HIV, raising awareness about HIV prevention, testing […]
Did you know it’s possible for your partner to get treated for Chlamydia without ever having to see a GP or go to a sexual health clinic? This is known as Patient Delivered Partner Therapy (PDPT).
People who have Chlamydia, especially women, usually have no symptoms, so may have an infection without even knowing. If they don’t get medication to treat it they can pass it back to you or onto other people, which isn’t good for anyone, right? Sometimes Chlamydia can cause serious health problems, including infertility. So it’s really important people get the chance to be treated if you think they might have it.
View the chlamydia treatment factsheets for you, and your partner/s.
Telling sexual partners that you have an STI can be difficult, but it’s the right thing to do. The best way to tell your partners is by being open and honest.
Choose a time to talk with your partner when they can give you their complete attention. Allow plenty of time to explain and discuss the problem. The sooner you tell your partner, the sooner they can get treated.
Focus on the facts and on solving the problem. Avoid blaming or confessions. Give your partners a copy of the info sheets we’ve mentioned above, or anything the doctor has given you.
Say: “I tested positive for Chlamydia.”
Avoid : “You infected me with Chlamydia.” or “I’ve given you Chlamydia”
Avoid blame and simply focus on the facts
You don’t know for sure if this partner had Chlamydia first, if they got it from you, or if they even have it at all. People can be exposed to STIs without becoming infected.
Explain: Chlamydia is easy to catch, often has no symptoms and can lead to serious complications if untreated so it’s a good idea to take the medication (Azithromycin) straight away and then see a doctor for testing.
You could say: “This medication is to treat an STI called chlamydia. You should take it because I was infected which means you might be infected too. You should read the info sheets and visit a doctor as soon as possible to get tested for other STIs.”
Your partners may feel embarrassed, ashamed, guilty, angry or scared. These feelings are normal. By offering them treatment, you’re showing you care enough to help.
If you have been given a medication (drug) or a prescription to take to a pharmacy you can read the Patient Info Sheet before taking the medication.
For more info on PDPT, or advice around telling a partner, call the Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.
View the PDPT chlamydia treatment factsheets for you, and your partner/s.